In June, Anonymous declared war on the system, a plan that contained three phases. The first phase included hacker attacks on what Anonymous sees as internet criminals. Information is free, the internet is information. phase two should be announced pretty soon. one claim Anonymous has made is that it will shut down, perhaps erase the social network site called Facebook.
I don't know that Anonymous planned the occupy Wall Street movement, but it promoted it and I'm sure members are all over there. So far the movement has endured several acts of police brutality without a violent response. Women standing on the sidewalk sprayed with pepper spray for no reason. Mopeds running over people, nightstick beatings and random arrests. Last night, Oakland police smashed the tents in the park after the protesters refused to leave. A few people threw rocks and bottles at the police during this attack. The people refused to leave still, stood in the streets, then riot police used flash grenades, tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse the crowd.
The media distorts the truth, as they always do to suit their agenda and protect the 1%. There are a lot of angry people, but the movement is peaceful. But I wonder...I far can we be pushed before we push back? I'm sure the establishment is eager for violence to break out. The media tries to label any movement in a way to get one party for it and the other party against it, to minimalize the support. Which is why I like the 99% message. If anyone should pay to fix the mess we are in, it is the criminals who created the mess and the criminals who profited on it. It isn't that I hate rich people or think they don't deserve to be wealthy, the evidence shows that a certain level of wealth turns a corporation into a thing of evil. Money doesn't have to be the root of all evil, it's the abuse of power that comes with excessive wealth that makes it evil.
This isn't an American problem, it is global. We still have it good compared to most other nations. But unchecked greed has wasted an incredible amount of resources. A quick example: it is cheaper to pay for fruit grown in South America and waste fuel shipping it to Washington, but it would be better for the environment to grow it locally and better for the long term economy to save that fuel. Concern for profit outweighs everything and we are paying the price. Not in a philosophical sense, but a real physical sense. Oil is getting harder to find, we've past Peak Oil, and there will be less available, making everything more expensive. Our way of life is long as profit for the few is the power that runs the world. We have the technology and resources to feed and house everyone. We can make an i-phone 4 for everyone. we have materials, we have a population, we have people willing to work, we have machines that can do almost everything humans can do. We can have a paradise world. Instead we are heading into a crash, an Epic Depression.
Will the 99% put the small differences aside and see our common enemy, avoid food riots, homeless people starving, and avoid an actual class war? Will Anonymous be able to shut down our most powerful enemies? Will their weapons defeat our numbers? We will find out. There's gotta be a way, a better way, a better tomorrow for my daughter's generation. Let's find that way.
If you can't occupy a city, write a few letters to your congressmen and senators. state your opinion, your worries, your about it with a neighbor, an old friend and think about what you want to see changed in the world, but do something about it. something small, something big, something brief or something risky. be the 99%
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