On Saturday I returned home at about midnight and watched the live news showing the police and protesters and the deadline for the occupy movement to empty the park by midnight. A lot of the people did leave, pack up and clean up. some tents remained, a group chained themselves to buckets of concrete or something. At about 2:30, something was thrown from the crowd, injuring a police man in the leg. Out of nowhere, mounted police came into the streets and protesters retreated to the sidewalks. Police in riot gear showed up also out of nowhere and threatened to use nonlethal weapons and chemicals against the protesers unless they cleared the streets. The crowd grew larger and stood their ground. The riot police eventually backed down. then in the early morning, the smaller crowd was forced out, using the big night sticks and being peaceful, they were pushed back and the remaining tents were destroyed and the park was blocked off.
Today is Thursday, November 17th. A massive march all over the world has been planned for this day, the two month anniversary of the movement. Watching the march live on the news and live on the internet, the march is again to bring attention to the corrupt banks and how their greedy actions have wrecked the economy, maybe past the point of repair. 7 people were arrested for being inside Wells Fargo and protesting the corrupt money as debt system.
Another thing planned by some people within the massive crowd was to switch the flag outside the bank upside down. Displaying the flag upside down is not disrespecting America, it is used "as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property." we are in great danger, our property, our fake money that is over-inflated to the point it has almost no value. JFK was going to end the banking system that was slowly taking over but was assassinated. Ron Paul would've done it in 2008 and protected us from this looming problem, but the media almost totally ignored him, would ridicule and dismiss his success. Obama said he would work towards solving these problems, but has done the opposite.
The enemy we face, the super rich and powerful, are very intelligent. Even with most people understanding our economy is in real trouble, they keep the left fighting against the right. Republicans don't want Obama to get re-elected and are doing what they can to make him look bad instead of doing what is best for the 99%. we keep playing this game, where they can break or make the rules and the vast majority of us will fail. We need to recognize all the warnings about banks and established government that the Founding Fathers laid out. "Resist austerity. Rebuild the economy. Reclaim our democracy." that is the message of today's movement.
The 1960s saw the threat the military industrial complex was, the need to protect the environment, the need to end war, the need for equality and civil rights. they won many of their battles, but they didn't have much support from their elders. We need those ex-hippies, those revolutionaries to help guide us, to support us, to educate us and to stand with us. Too much government is a problem, the purpose of the Federal Government is to protect us. They were blinded with greed and failed to police the economy, letting the wealthy break the rules. Several of these bubbles burst at the same time and there is no growth in real industry in America, in fact there is a sharp decline as technology replaces jobs. the entire system is ready to burst. OWS is desperately seeking to change things for the better, to get the money back to the 99% and letting us all enjoy life and be free to pursue happiness.
Right now, more people are protesting at the Bank of America building. They dressed in suits and then revealed themselves as protesters. Why target Wells Fargo and Bank of America? if you have money in those banks, maybe you should do some internet research and see for yourselves. Fiat money, end the Fed, money as debt, inflation, the 1% owning 40% of the wealth, the 400 richest people and 400 richest corporations, money and lobbyists and politicians, tax breaks and loop holes for the super rich, corporations are legally people which is obviously not true...all of these things and even more are problems we face today that we can no longer push off until tomorrow. for at least 50 years that is the method used to solve problems, create massive debt and push it off to the future...but corrupt banking activities have ruined the value of our dollar, out of control government spending has erased our savings and created so much debt we will never be able to pay it off, the energy monopolies use their massive wealth to limit alternate fuels that would spread the wealth to a greater number of people. I could go on and on about this...but instead...
People have been talking about this for decades. Politicians have lied about how they will save us, telling groups what they want to hear but rarely following thru. It is up to us to force the change we need.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
What's New, Earth?
In June, Anonymous declared war on the system, a plan that contained three phases. The first phase included hacker attacks on what Anonymous sees as internet criminals. Information is free, the internet is information. phase two should be announced pretty soon. one claim Anonymous has made is that it will shut down, perhaps erase the social network site called Facebook.
I don't know that Anonymous planned the occupy Wall Street movement, but it promoted it and I'm sure members are all over there. So far the movement has endured several acts of police brutality without a violent response. Women standing on the sidewalk sprayed with pepper spray for no reason. Mopeds running over people, nightstick beatings and random arrests. Last night, Oakland police smashed the tents in the park after the protesters refused to leave. A few people threw rocks and bottles at the police during this attack. The people refused to leave still, stood in the streets, then riot police used flash grenades, tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse the crowd.
The media distorts the truth, as they always do to suit their agenda and protect the 1%. There are a lot of angry people, but the movement is peaceful. But I wonder...I worry...how far can we be pushed before we push back? I'm sure the establishment is eager for violence to break out. The media tries to label any movement in a way to get one party for it and the other party against it, to minimalize the support. Which is why I like the 99% message. If anyone should pay to fix the mess we are in, it is the criminals who created the mess and the criminals who profited on it. It isn't that I hate rich people or think they don't deserve to be wealthy, the evidence shows that a certain level of wealth turns a corporation into a thing of evil. Money doesn't have to be the root of all evil, it's the abuse of power that comes with excessive wealth that makes it evil.
This isn't an American problem, it is global. We still have it good compared to most other nations. But unchecked greed has wasted an incredible amount of resources. A quick example: it is cheaper to pay for fruit grown in South America and waste fuel shipping it to Washington, but it would be better for the environment to grow it locally and better for the long term economy to save that fuel. Concern for profit outweighs everything and we are paying the price. Not in a philosophical sense, but a real physical sense. Oil is getting harder to find, we've past Peak Oil, and there will be less available, making everything more expensive. Our way of life is unsustainable...as long as profit for the few is the power that runs the world. We have the technology and resources to feed and house everyone. We can make an i-phone 4 for everyone. we have materials, we have a population, we have people willing to work, we have machines that can do almost everything humans can do. We can have a paradise world. Instead we are heading into a crash, an Epic Depression.
Will the 99% put the small differences aside and see our common enemy, avoid food riots, homeless people starving, and avoid an actual class war? Will Anonymous be able to shut down our most powerful enemies? Will their weapons defeat our numbers? We will find out. There's gotta be a way, a better way, a better tomorrow for my daughter's generation. Let's find that way.
If you can't occupy a city, write a few letters to your congressmen and senators. state your opinion, your worries, your demands...talk about it with a neighbor, an old friend and think about what you want to see changed in the world, but do something about it. something small, something big, something brief or something risky. be the 99%
I don't know that Anonymous planned the occupy Wall Street movement, but it promoted it and I'm sure members are all over there. So far the movement has endured several acts of police brutality without a violent response. Women standing on the sidewalk sprayed with pepper spray for no reason. Mopeds running over people, nightstick beatings and random arrests. Last night, Oakland police smashed the tents in the park after the protesters refused to leave. A few people threw rocks and bottles at the police during this attack. The people refused to leave still, stood in the streets, then riot police used flash grenades, tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse the crowd.
The media distorts the truth, as they always do to suit their agenda and protect the 1%. There are a lot of angry people, but the movement is peaceful. But I wonder...I worry...how far can we be pushed before we push back? I'm sure the establishment is eager for violence to break out. The media tries to label any movement in a way to get one party for it and the other party against it, to minimalize the support. Which is why I like the 99% message. If anyone should pay to fix the mess we are in, it is the criminals who created the mess and the criminals who profited on it. It isn't that I hate rich people or think they don't deserve to be wealthy, the evidence shows that a certain level of wealth turns a corporation into a thing of evil. Money doesn't have to be the root of all evil, it's the abuse of power that comes with excessive wealth that makes it evil.
This isn't an American problem, it is global. We still have it good compared to most other nations. But unchecked greed has wasted an incredible amount of resources. A quick example: it is cheaper to pay for fruit grown in South America and waste fuel shipping it to Washington, but it would be better for the environment to grow it locally and better for the long term economy to save that fuel. Concern for profit outweighs everything and we are paying the price. Not in a philosophical sense, but a real physical sense. Oil is getting harder to find, we've past Peak Oil, and there will be less available, making everything more expensive. Our way of life is unsustainable...as long as profit for the few is the power that runs the world. We have the technology and resources to feed and house everyone. We can make an i-phone 4 for everyone. we have materials, we have a population, we have people willing to work, we have machines that can do almost everything humans can do. We can have a paradise world. Instead we are heading into a crash, an Epic Depression.
Will the 99% put the small differences aside and see our common enemy, avoid food riots, homeless people starving, and avoid an actual class war? Will Anonymous be able to shut down our most powerful enemies? Will their weapons defeat our numbers? We will find out. There's gotta be a way, a better way, a better tomorrow for my daughter's generation. Let's find that way.
If you can't occupy a city, write a few letters to your congressmen and senators. state your opinion, your worries, your demands...talk about it with a neighbor, an old friend and think about what you want to see changed in the world, but do something about it. something small, something big, something brief or something risky. be the 99%
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
the 99%
I am a single father that couldn't afford to finish college and become a math teacher. I support myself by fishing in Alaska despite major back problems and other health issues related to the dangerous work. I write stories and self published a few mini-comics that haven't really sold. I rent an apartment with fading dreams of owning a home, having a yard. I have no retirement fund and am aware of our nation's tax problems, debt problems and the looming failure of the social security systems that simply won't exist a decade from now. My daughter is almost in high school and I fear there will be no solution to our economic problems by the time she graduates. We are the 99% and we have equal right to life, liberty and the freedom to seek our own happiness.
Why march on Wall Street? What will bodies on the streets and sidewalks and in jail actually change? Over three weeks before the protest got any media attention, all slanted to make the movement seem weird, angry and pointless. Waiting for the peaceful protest to be pushed to outbursts of violence...but so far, all over the country it remains peaceful. The Occupy Wall Street movement growing in numbers, spreading awareness. When the media dismissed the crowd as being unfocused, socialist, anarchists, jobless hippies, they stated some of the issues that need attention and real solutions.
This isn't a left vs right issue, unions vs corporations, socialist vs conservative type of game. Ignore the button pushing of the mainstream media that wants to create labels and have people remain ignorant of the truth. These are real people, the 99% of us that don't make tens of millions of dollars a year, that don't get billion dollar bailouts, that don't get to take home profits of over 2 billion and tax loopholes that allow us to pay zero in taxes, that don't get to make the laws. Half of the world's wealth is in the hands of the other 1% but somehow more than half of us willingly or ignorantly believe this economic game is the only way of life.
Debt has no place on the periodic table, it has no atomic weight, is invisible and does not exist. You may not agree with my views but I hope you can agree with that last statement. Debt is not real. Yet we allow it to control us, we give it so much power, and we think paper money will one day be our ticket out. We pretend that the Earth is a place of infinite space, of endless resources, and that everything will always work out. Too many of us believe that we are powerless, that a person can't do anything to change. But we are not a person. We are the 99%.
I am not too far away from Portland, but haven't been able to go to the Occupy Portland event, which was said to be a 24 hour march and is starting day six with a smaller crowd still camping out. From what I've seen and read, all has been peaceful and no arrests. Things weren't so calm in New York last week.
700 arrested in all that day for protesting. I am a full time single dad and can't be arrested right now. My heart is with those that are doing the brave and important thing. Being out there, sharing what happens with the world over the internet. I'm sure I'll get a chance to put my feet on the street in the near future but for now my support comes in words. I am part of the 99%. My voice is my power. My mind is my own. My time shouldn't be for sale, forced into a rigged monetary that creates money and debt out of thin air, printed on worthless paper or backed by horded heavy metals.
For six or seven years now I've been discussing the problems our nation, our world, our very species faces. As time goes on, the same statements make more sense. Fears have become fact. The machine continues to betray us, to diminish us, and to fail us. My advice remains the same. Secure property with land that will grow food, with space to raise chickens and hopefully cattle. Invest in real things, canned food and water, solar power options...prepare to live off the grid. Prepare to create an abundance of goods. Invest in tools, in green technology and the end of oil. Free yourself from the monetary system. Or take steps in that direction. Get family members and friends to help buy this land, to travel to it and work on bringing it online and self sustaining. Find a job that is a real skill that serves a real and meaningful purpose in the world and help eliminate what is wrong with the world. Educate yourself on what it would be like to lose your job, your home, and imagine where you would be if all your debt was called in vs your tangible assets and realize that you are part of the 99%.
If you earn tens of millions every year, this blog post is not for you, this movement is not for you. Unless you have compassion and choose to do your part and help end this massive imbalance of resources. The elite have the money to create the technology that would end poverty, provide health care, to house everyone, to end the evil that is created by money and cure the world of this cancerous concept of debt. But I doubt any multi-millionare will read these words.
I don't think capitalism itself is the problem, but the criminal activity it allows, that we don't challenge and in fact encourage, is the problem. Money was a decent idea, when it was relevant and regulated by the people. The system has grown out of our control and it basically enslaves us.
You have the right (and I believe the duty) to speak your voice. I think Ron Paul is the treatment our government system needs in 2012 but I believe we need to transition into a new kind of social system, the resource based economy of Jacque Fresco as shown in the Venus Project and promoted by the Zeitgeist Movement. We are as close to a new successful system as we are to failure. The next ten years will make or break us. The beginning is near.
We are the 99% and this world is ours to make.
(from wikipedia) A PBS report by Solman on Aug. 16, 2011 now found that financial gains over the last decade in the United States have been mostly made at the "tippy-top" of the economic food chain as more people fall out of the middle class. The top 20 percent of Americans now holds 84 percent of U.S. wealth.[2], the 2nd 20 % holds 11%, the third 20 % 4 %. The following figure shows the actual distribution of wealth in the US. The 4th 20% (0.2%) and the Bottom 20% (0.1%) are not visible:

Why march on Wall Street? What will bodies on the streets and sidewalks and in jail actually change? Over three weeks before the protest got any media attention, all slanted to make the movement seem weird, angry and pointless. Waiting for the peaceful protest to be pushed to outbursts of violence...but so far, all over the country it remains peaceful. The Occupy Wall Street movement growing in numbers, spreading awareness. When the media dismissed the crowd as being unfocused, socialist, anarchists, jobless hippies, they stated some of the issues that need attention and real solutions.
This isn't a left vs right issue, unions vs corporations, socialist vs conservative type of game. Ignore the button pushing of the mainstream media that wants to create labels and have people remain ignorant of the truth. These are real people, the 99% of us that don't make tens of millions of dollars a year, that don't get billion dollar bailouts, that don't get to take home profits of over 2 billion and tax loopholes that allow us to pay zero in taxes, that don't get to make the laws. Half of the world's wealth is in the hands of the other 1% but somehow more than half of us willingly or ignorantly believe this economic game is the only way of life.
Debt has no place on the periodic table, it has no atomic weight, is invisible and does not exist. You may not agree with my views but I hope you can agree with that last statement. Debt is not real. Yet we allow it to control us, we give it so much power, and we think paper money will one day be our ticket out. We pretend that the Earth is a place of infinite space, of endless resources, and that everything will always work out. Too many of us believe that we are powerless, that a person can't do anything to change. But we are not a person. We are the 99%.
I am not too far away from Portland, but haven't been able to go to the Occupy Portland event, which was said to be a 24 hour march and is starting day six with a smaller crowd still camping out. From what I've seen and read, all has been peaceful and no arrests. Things weren't so calm in New York last week.
700 arrested in all that day for protesting. I am a full time single dad and can't be arrested right now. My heart is with those that are doing the brave and important thing. Being out there, sharing what happens with the world over the internet. I'm sure I'll get a chance to put my feet on the street in the near future but for now my support comes in words. I am part of the 99%. My voice is my power. My mind is my own. My time shouldn't be for sale, forced into a rigged monetary that creates money and debt out of thin air, printed on worthless paper or backed by horded heavy metals.
For six or seven years now I've been discussing the problems our nation, our world, our very species faces. As time goes on, the same statements make more sense. Fears have become fact. The machine continues to betray us, to diminish us, and to fail us. My advice remains the same. Secure property with land that will grow food, with space to raise chickens and hopefully cattle. Invest in real things, canned food and water, solar power options...prepare to live off the grid. Prepare to create an abundance of goods. Invest in tools, in green technology and the end of oil. Free yourself from the monetary system. Or take steps in that direction. Get family members and friends to help buy this land, to travel to it and work on bringing it online and self sustaining. Find a job that is a real skill that serves a real and meaningful purpose in the world and help eliminate what is wrong with the world. Educate yourself on what it would be like to lose your job, your home, and imagine where you would be if all your debt was called in vs your tangible assets and realize that you are part of the 99%.
If you earn tens of millions every year, this blog post is not for you, this movement is not for you. Unless you have compassion and choose to do your part and help end this massive imbalance of resources. The elite have the money to create the technology that would end poverty, provide health care, to house everyone, to end the evil that is created by money and cure the world of this cancerous concept of debt. But I doubt any multi-millionare will read these words.
I don't think capitalism itself is the problem, but the criminal activity it allows, that we don't challenge and in fact encourage, is the problem. Money was a decent idea, when it was relevant and regulated by the people. The system has grown out of our control and it basically enslaves us.
You have the right (and I believe the duty) to speak your voice. I think Ron Paul is the treatment our government system needs in 2012 but I believe we need to transition into a new kind of social system, the resource based economy of Jacque Fresco as shown in the Venus Project and promoted by the Zeitgeist Movement. We are as close to a new successful system as we are to failure. The next ten years will make or break us. The beginning is near.
We are the 99% and this world is ours to make.
(from wikipedia) A PBS report by Solman on Aug. 16, 2011 now found that financial gains over the last decade in the United States have been mostly made at the "tippy-top" of the economic food chain as more people fall out of the middle class. The top 20 percent of Americans now holds 84 percent of U.S. wealth.[2], the 2nd 20 % holds 11%, the third 20 % 4 %. The following figure shows the actual distribution of wealth in the US. The 4th 20% (0.2%) and the Bottom 20% (0.1%) are not visible:
Okay, so 40% of our population shares .3% of the wealth, not even visible on the chart. almost half our people. then the middle class shares 4%, the upper middle class has 11% to share. This doesn't state what the richest 1% has, but in 2007, they had 38% and only the mega rich have been getting richer since 2008 and the upper middle class has shrunk, so let's say 40% of the wealth is owned by 1% of the population and 44% of the wealth is shared by the remaining 19%, but not evenly, the top part of that would have more. Let's see if I can make these numbers make more sense.
Imagine $100 and 100 people.
The rich person gets $40.
the next 4 get $6 each
the next 5 get $2
the next 10 get $1 each
and that is the top 20% of the population taking 84% of the money.
the next 20 people get about .50 each
the next 20 people get about .25 each
the last 40 people get .02 or .01 each
But keep in mind, these all have a range. in that middle class range, some are getting .80 and some are getting .35. but we are the 99% and are here to take a look at the top 1% that guy who gets $40 when we should each get $1 and find ourselves working hard and have only .50 or so as our reward. Imagine going to school as a kid and you get to go to the candy store with 99 other kids and one kid gets $40 and you get .32. Or maybe you are poorer than that and only get a nickel. or a penny. and all you can get is a piece of a broken mint. when you wanted a chocolate bar, but that costs .35 or maybe the giant sucker that costs $1. The kid with $40 is known by the shop owners and gets free samples that are bigger than the nickel sized mint. He has more than he can carry and hasn't spent $10 yet. 80 kids have about .50 or less and we fight amongst each other? We envy the 10 with $1 and imagine we could be there, or maybe even in the $2 or $6 crowd and so we don't want to ask them to share. Plus when they eat their candy, some pieces might trickle down onto us. But this is about the 99% of us and that one kid with $40.
Imagine that kid had the field trip rigged, a game set up by his powerful parents, the school, the candy shop all benefitting. Most of the kids who received $1 or more also cheated the game. The kids know they could've each had a dollar, but they were tricked into thinking they didn't earn it and that the elite 10 kids deserved what they got. But on that first day of school, you noticed how different things were for those certain kids, the advantages they had. You could see the horrible conditions that most kids suffered, the scraps of food they had. You had an ok lunch, not a fancy meal like a few, not a private chef like the one richest, and you were afraid to end up with the 40 really poor kids so you didn't want to complain. It's just how things are. You believe in the promise that if you work hard, you can be a kid who gets a dollar, who gets their fair share. You have text books and calculators. A few have laptops and tutors and answer sheets and siblings and parents who can influence the teacher. They get caught cheating and no punishment, in fact, sometimes the teacher will bail them out and cheat for them.
Do you ignore those that have a penny or two? Do you play the game, knowing they make the rules and that they can't lose and that you probably will never "earn" that dollar? Or do you tell your teacher you have had enough, that she needs to stop being blind and start being fair? Do you let them cheat the system into giving ten kids more than their fair share? Or do we do our duty as Americans and rebel against a corrupt fascist government that is no longer of the people, by the people, or for the people?
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Things to Know
Here is a list of things to learn about. If you already know about all of these things and see things I missed, let me know. If one or more of these things are unfamiliar or haven't been researched, take some time to read about them.
The Great Depression, how the banks, the elite, and Wall Street made it happen and why.
Corporate Income Tax and how it became "personal."
Woodrow Wilson, how he destroyed America and the warning he gave.
The Federal Reserve bank, which isn't federal at all but a private bank with no gov't oversight and private owners. And the World Bank.
Tuskegee experiments, to see what the gov't does to its own people.
The Manhatten Project, how many people can keep a massive project secret.
Nazi scientists in America after WW2, the weapons and propaganda tecniques they taught us.
Project MKUltra, America's mind control/brain washing program.
Freedom of Press and how it no longer is free but controlled by corporations and gov't agencies.
Television propaganda and censorship of the truth.
The Gold Standard, why our money is no longer based on something real, how inflation happens. Foreknowledge of Pearl Harbor.
UFOs in the late 1940s and early 1950s and how the CIA decided to deal with the problem, mocking witnesses, to the point that today people who see UFOs are seen as nutjobs.
Eisenhower's exit speech, how he warned us about the industrial military complex.
The assassination of JFK, the cover-up of the truth.
The Gulf of Tonkin.
The military shooting college students in America.
CIA running drugs in the 80s.
Assassination attempt of Reagan and the World Bank and how he suddenly stopped pursuing a return to the gold standard.
Presidents and Freemasons. Skull and Bones.
Big oil and how their money controls the world.
Peak Oil...have we crossed this point already?
Global Warming, scientific evidence vs. political rhetoric. Pollution is bad and fossil fuels running out, so a green energy solution is needed, even if you don't believe the science that shows pollution is causing climate change.
US Military strikes since 1950, how much money and how many countries we've bombed.
Money to support the war against Palestine, how much we give Isreal and why the Middle East hates our foreign policy.
Selling arms to our enemies, like the Taliban in the early 90s, then declaring them our enemy in the early 00s.
Chemtrails, a conspircay you can see in your own sky.
9/11 truth, how the official story can't be true and what this means for our future.
The endless war on terror and why we are creating enemies instead of making America safer.
The Pentagon budget, $500 billion or more every year, with little of this going to the military. We spend more on military than the rest of the world combined. How the Pentagon lost track of $2.3 trillion, yes TRILLION dollars, announced on 9/10/01.
I can go in depth on any of these topics, but I could use some feedback on what you guys want to hear about. Having spent the last few years researching how the world works, how conspiracies happen, how apathy and fear keep the masses in control, I am very afraid for the near future. We could be living in the age of miracles, yet the powers that are in control keep us at a savage level, limit our potential, and rob us of a better way of life. I can't tolerate doing nothing. I can't remain silent, ignorantly blissful. I refuse to be a slave, I refuse to believe I am powerless.
The Great Depression, how the banks, the elite, and Wall Street made it happen and why.
Corporate Income Tax and how it became "personal."
Woodrow Wilson, how he destroyed America and the warning he gave.
The Federal Reserve bank, which isn't federal at all but a private bank with no gov't oversight and private owners. And the World Bank.
Tuskegee experiments, to see what the gov't does to its own people.
The Manhatten Project, how many people can keep a massive project secret.
Nazi scientists in America after WW2, the weapons and propaganda tecniques they taught us.
Project MKUltra, America's mind control/brain washing program.
Freedom of Press and how it no longer is free but controlled by corporations and gov't agencies.
Television propaganda and censorship of the truth.
The Gold Standard, why our money is no longer based on something real, how inflation happens. Foreknowledge of Pearl Harbor.
UFOs in the late 1940s and early 1950s and how the CIA decided to deal with the problem, mocking witnesses, to the point that today people who see UFOs are seen as nutjobs.
Eisenhower's exit speech, how he warned us about the industrial military complex.
The assassination of JFK, the cover-up of the truth.
The Gulf of Tonkin.
The military shooting college students in America.
CIA running drugs in the 80s.
Assassination attempt of Reagan and the World Bank and how he suddenly stopped pursuing a return to the gold standard.
Presidents and Freemasons. Skull and Bones.
Big oil and how their money controls the world.
Peak Oil...have we crossed this point already?
Global Warming, scientific evidence vs. political rhetoric. Pollution is bad and fossil fuels running out, so a green energy solution is needed, even if you don't believe the science that shows pollution is causing climate change.
US Military strikes since 1950, how much money and how many countries we've bombed.
Money to support the war against Palestine, how much we give Isreal and why the Middle East hates our foreign policy.
Selling arms to our enemies, like the Taliban in the early 90s, then declaring them our enemy in the early 00s.
Chemtrails, a conspircay you can see in your own sky.
9/11 truth, how the official story can't be true and what this means for our future.
The endless war on terror and why we are creating enemies instead of making America safer.
The Pentagon budget, $500 billion or more every year, with little of this going to the military. We spend more on military than the rest of the world combined. How the Pentagon lost track of $2.3 trillion, yes TRILLION dollars, announced on 9/10/01.
I can go in depth on any of these topics, but I could use some feedback on what you guys want to hear about. Having spent the last few years researching how the world works, how conspiracies happen, how apathy and fear keep the masses in control, I am very afraid for the near future. We could be living in the age of miracles, yet the powers that are in control keep us at a savage level, limit our potential, and rob us of a better way of life. I can't tolerate doing nothing. I can't remain silent, ignorantly blissful. I refuse to be a slave, I refuse to believe I am powerless.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
The Ocean
I will be out fishing for most of the next month and will rarely have the time or focus to blog. I do have a lot more to say, but it might be awhile until I can post my thoughts. But I will be back.
Peace and love. All things in moderation.
Peace and love. All things in moderation.
Everyone Is Right
...to a certain extent, everyone is right to believe what they believe, to be the hero in their own story, the victim of other wrongs, and I think in most minds, everyone believes what they believe at that moment in their life is the right way to spend this precious thing we call life.
So why do we hate each other so much? Why have cultures clashed? Why have so many humans lives throughout history have been destroyed by war? Murdered for their beliefs or for the resources they possess in the area of land they inhabit at the time. When the Pilgrims came to America, they barely survived the first winter, most of them perished. Then Squanto and the Wampanoag tribe came in peace. They showed them ways to grow food in the poor, sandy area they built their houses, taught them how to survive in this new land. In return, they wanted the Pilgrims and their guns, amazing weapons, to help them attack an enemy tribe. I don't understand why Christian (or any other religion) people justify murder, when Christ cleary states, several times, that humans should never, ever harm other humans. No revenge, no aggressive war, no slaughtering strangers in the middle of the night with guns, and not even in defense of your very person. People shouldn't throw stones. People rarely have the ability to turn the other cheek. But it makes me happy to know that at least the Pilgrims and Wampanoags enjoyed each other's culture and company, neither wanting to force a belief system on the other, both realizing the value of tolerance and friendship and the human individual's right to freedom.
Today it seems most Americans celebrate Thanksgiving with family, a turkey or ham, potatoes...a "traditional" Thanksgiving feast that doesn't really resemble those original celebratitions. And it wasn't a family get together, but they were truely friends with each other, these different cultures. It would be nice to share Thanksgiving with the community, more than just family, but to get together with different cultures, to share stories and friendship, not trade bullets and bombs.
We are always the good guys, America. And if you try to point out that some of our actions are crossing the line into evil, most Americans get angry, view the critic as a tratior, and if they don't like the good ol' US of A, they should get the hell out. But what exactly is America? Our country today doesn't resemble the model of a modest federal government, of no acts of war on other nations, unless in defense of our homeland, no taxes. Some times the president or the military leaders do make bad decisions. I have no doubt that they are doing what they really believe is important and the right thing to do, but we can't ignore the fact that power corrupts, that we give the Pentagon half of our tax budget, sometimes a bit more, and other arms of the government, like NASA, uses money for building weapons or other military aspects, so the direct amount this year is over $700 billion, not including the billions hidden in other departments. A lot of people will point out that yeah, it is a shame that adults and children are dying of starvation in alarming numbers every day, but we need to support our troops. The Pentagon budget doesn't all go to the troops. $60 billion might go to the war effort in Iraq, but even that doesn't all go to the troops or to armor and other things that would help protect them. There is no one watching where these hundreds of billions are being spent, so corrupt companies scam that money, and this current Iraq war and occupacion is a mistake, motivated by greed for the oil and perhaps other, more long term and sinister reasons. We don't want to be the bad guys, but we can't blindly support powerful people, established system, and a long history of political corruption. That isn't the American philosophy. That isn't the behaviour of the good guy.
If you are offended by things I've said so far, but are still reading at this point, I suggest you investigate the military actions of the past 20 years, starting with president Clinton, the amount of countries we've taken military action, dropped bombs, supplied weapons, gave billions of dollars in aid. At this point, people might want to tell me that this modern world is more dangerous, that there are people who hate America so much that they want to attack us with weapons of mass destruction, yet we are the ones doing these acts, murdering humans with our powerful weapons. We are actually doing this thing we fear others would do to us. Murdering millions of humans every year.
And I ask you, if one country was dropping bombs in American cities all over the country, sending troops into our cities with tanks and machines guns, smashing into homes, year after year, would Americans be grateful? Would we thank them for this, or would we want to defend ourselves and stop this attack upon our soil? This is what we do, all over the world, fueling hate towards our government, which makes people stand in the streets and chant death to America. So if we stopped our agreesive actions, how many enemies would we have? Our government recently dropped the meager $158 million of our peace budget to help reduce our out of control spending, yet at the same time added $60 billion to the Pentagon budget, adding $59,842,000,000 instead of reducing, adding that money towards war efforts, while ending our attempt for finding peace. I've heard the rumors on the internet that this war on terror will be an endless effort, a growing campaign, and this seems to be the path we are on. We gave up on peace. I believe in that the warning Eisenhower gave in his last speech about the out of control military industrial complex is a serious threat to our way of life and it needed to be reduced. Today it absorbs over half our country's money every year. We've lost our way.
I also want to remind you of my freedom of speech and the dream that people of different belief system can ignore the differences of their cultures that clash in ideology and recognize that they mostly have the same desire to be happy and raise their families in peace. Since I am able to write these words and anyone in America can read them proves that it isn't too late to take the power back. Before the Declaration of Indepence was written, the militia was born by people who loved the freedom they found in America. They fought against a vastly superior enemy, as these militia men were similar to volunteer firefighters today. People with normal jobs, that got together, ready to defend their freedom. No government, neighbors helping each other, doing what they could for the community, for the sake of making life as awesome as possible. For America. The colonies united, overthrew our tyrant overlords, created an amazing Constitution. We were the good guys, blended cultures standing side by side to defend their right to live their life the way they want to live.
Taken as written, the Constitution is brilliant. Yet, we the people no longer govern each other. Politians were supposed to serve short terms, to do real work that they campaigned on that represents the interests of their community. Now they make false promises and seem motivated by greed. Our great nation has become corrupted by an established order that no longer represents the Constitution. We have seriously lost our way. We have the technology to end poverty, to create an energy abundance, a food abundance, and advanced medical techniques...to elevate the quality of life to a way we always dream of, free of nonsense stresses such as debt, free of hate and war.
Deep inside, most Americans love our country. I absolutely do. I've read old writings from unfamous people as well as Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, etc. I love the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I love the peaceful philosophy of our founding fathers coupled with the bravery and intelligence to defend ourselves and the rights of other cultures to exist within our borders. They were willing to stand up and die to defend us, and they clearly told us to be alert, to never allow an established system, to make sure that the people are in charge, but today, we can't even notice the need to stand up and get control of our freedom again. These are dangerous times we live in today and I know most Americans, most humans on our shared planet Earth, desire a peaceful existance. In the 1960s, people recognized the corruption within the establishment and millions embraced social revolutions. The people ended a horrible war. But they didn't quite complete their dream. The establishment found more ways to distract, the media no longer reported honestly, subtle propaganda has made us apathetic or even brainwashed to the point that no matter what actual horrors are commited by us, we are always the good guys.
I strongly believe we are at a moment in time where another revolution is needed. To tear down the corrupt systems, to evolve past the foolish concept of money and greed, to end war, poverty and starvation. We can be the best good guys history has ever seen. We can give our children the best society ever imagined. All we need to do is take the power back, to stop spending billions on war efforts and instead investing that money into the American dream of a good life for all.
To try to connect the beginning to the end, America is supposed to be the land where everyone has the right to live their life how they see fit. In America, a Christian is "right" a Muslim is "right" and an atheist is "right." As long as children aren't being abused, harm isn't done to others, and the rights of others aren't being oppressed, everyone is right. Everyone can be the good guy. No one has to be forced into a certain set of beliefs. Corrupt government workers is not right, endless wars with nations that haven't attacked us is not right. A right to life doesn't translate into murdering others with different beliefs or important resources. Letting our leaders lie and cheat and steal isn't right, it is unAmerican. And it is our responsibility as citizens to make our leaders do what is right, to be the good guys we have been so often in the past (minus the genocide of the natives, slavery, etc).
Happy 4th of July!
So why do we hate each other so much? Why have cultures clashed? Why have so many humans lives throughout history have been destroyed by war? Murdered for their beliefs or for the resources they possess in the area of land they inhabit at the time. When the Pilgrims came to America, they barely survived the first winter, most of them perished. Then Squanto and the Wampanoag tribe came in peace. They showed them ways to grow food in the poor, sandy area they built their houses, taught them how to survive in this new land. In return, they wanted the Pilgrims and their guns, amazing weapons, to help them attack an enemy tribe. I don't understand why Christian (or any other religion) people justify murder, when Christ cleary states, several times, that humans should never, ever harm other humans. No revenge, no aggressive war, no slaughtering strangers in the middle of the night with guns, and not even in defense of your very person. People shouldn't throw stones. People rarely have the ability to turn the other cheek. But it makes me happy to know that at least the Pilgrims and Wampanoags enjoyed each other's culture and company, neither wanting to force a belief system on the other, both realizing the value of tolerance and friendship and the human individual's right to freedom.
Today it seems most Americans celebrate Thanksgiving with family, a turkey or ham, potatoes...a "traditional" Thanksgiving feast that doesn't really resemble those original celebratitions. And it wasn't a family get together, but they were truely friends with each other, these different cultures. It would be nice to share Thanksgiving with the community, more than just family, but to get together with different cultures, to share stories and friendship, not trade bullets and bombs.
We are always the good guys, America. And if you try to point out that some of our actions are crossing the line into evil, most Americans get angry, view the critic as a tratior, and if they don't like the good ol' US of A, they should get the hell out. But what exactly is America? Our country today doesn't resemble the model of a modest federal government, of no acts of war on other nations, unless in defense of our homeland, no taxes. Some times the president or the military leaders do make bad decisions. I have no doubt that they are doing what they really believe is important and the right thing to do, but we can't ignore the fact that power corrupts, that we give the Pentagon half of our tax budget, sometimes a bit more, and other arms of the government, like NASA, uses money for building weapons or other military aspects, so the direct amount this year is over $700 billion, not including the billions hidden in other departments. A lot of people will point out that yeah, it is a shame that adults and children are dying of starvation in alarming numbers every day, but we need to support our troops. The Pentagon budget doesn't all go to the troops. $60 billion might go to the war effort in Iraq, but even that doesn't all go to the troops or to armor and other things that would help protect them. There is no one watching where these hundreds of billions are being spent, so corrupt companies scam that money, and this current Iraq war and occupacion is a mistake, motivated by greed for the oil and perhaps other, more long term and sinister reasons. We don't want to be the bad guys, but we can't blindly support powerful people, established system, and a long history of political corruption. That isn't the American philosophy. That isn't the behaviour of the good guy.
If you are offended by things I've said so far, but are still reading at this point, I suggest you investigate the military actions of the past 20 years, starting with president Clinton, the amount of countries we've taken military action, dropped bombs, supplied weapons, gave billions of dollars in aid. At this point, people might want to tell me that this modern world is more dangerous, that there are people who hate America so much that they want to attack us with weapons of mass destruction, yet we are the ones doing these acts, murdering humans with our powerful weapons. We are actually doing this thing we fear others would do to us. Murdering millions of humans every year.
And I ask you, if one country was dropping bombs in American cities all over the country, sending troops into our cities with tanks and machines guns, smashing into homes, year after year, would Americans be grateful? Would we thank them for this, or would we want to defend ourselves and stop this attack upon our soil? This is what we do, all over the world, fueling hate towards our government, which makes people stand in the streets and chant death to America. So if we stopped our agreesive actions, how many enemies would we have? Our government recently dropped the meager $158 million of our peace budget to help reduce our out of control spending, yet at the same time added $60 billion to the Pentagon budget, adding $59,842,000,000 instead of reducing, adding that money towards war efforts, while ending our attempt for finding peace. I've heard the rumors on the internet that this war on terror will be an endless effort, a growing campaign, and this seems to be the path we are on. We gave up on peace. I believe in that the warning Eisenhower gave in his last speech about the out of control military industrial complex is a serious threat to our way of life and it needed to be reduced. Today it absorbs over half our country's money every year. We've lost our way.
I also want to remind you of my freedom of speech and the dream that people of different belief system can ignore the differences of their cultures that clash in ideology and recognize that they mostly have the same desire to be happy and raise their families in peace. Since I am able to write these words and anyone in America can read them proves that it isn't too late to take the power back. Before the Declaration of Indepence was written, the militia was born by people who loved the freedom they found in America. They fought against a vastly superior enemy, as these militia men were similar to volunteer firefighters today. People with normal jobs, that got together, ready to defend their freedom. No government, neighbors helping each other, doing what they could for the community, for the sake of making life as awesome as possible. For America. The colonies united, overthrew our tyrant overlords, created an amazing Constitution. We were the good guys, blended cultures standing side by side to defend their right to live their life the way they want to live.
Taken as written, the Constitution is brilliant. Yet, we the people no longer govern each other. Politians were supposed to serve short terms, to do real work that they campaigned on that represents the interests of their community. Now they make false promises and seem motivated by greed. Our great nation has become corrupted by an established order that no longer represents the Constitution. We have seriously lost our way. We have the technology to end poverty, to create an energy abundance, a food abundance, and advanced medical techniques...to elevate the quality of life to a way we always dream of, free of nonsense stresses such as debt, free of hate and war.
Deep inside, most Americans love our country. I absolutely do. I've read old writings from unfamous people as well as Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, etc. I love the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I love the peaceful philosophy of our founding fathers coupled with the bravery and intelligence to defend ourselves and the rights of other cultures to exist within our borders. They were willing to stand up and die to defend us, and they clearly told us to be alert, to never allow an established system, to make sure that the people are in charge, but today, we can't even notice the need to stand up and get control of our freedom again. These are dangerous times we live in today and I know most Americans, most humans on our shared planet Earth, desire a peaceful existance. In the 1960s, people recognized the corruption within the establishment and millions embraced social revolutions. The people ended a horrible war. But they didn't quite complete their dream. The establishment found more ways to distract, the media no longer reported honestly, subtle propaganda has made us apathetic or even brainwashed to the point that no matter what actual horrors are commited by us, we are always the good guys.
I strongly believe we are at a moment in time where another revolution is needed. To tear down the corrupt systems, to evolve past the foolish concept of money and greed, to end war, poverty and starvation. We can be the best good guys history has ever seen. We can give our children the best society ever imagined. All we need to do is take the power back, to stop spending billions on war efforts and instead investing that money into the American dream of a good life for all.
To try to connect the beginning to the end, America is supposed to be the land where everyone has the right to live their life how they see fit. In America, a Christian is "right" a Muslim is "right" and an atheist is "right." As long as children aren't being abused, harm isn't done to others, and the rights of others aren't being oppressed, everyone is right. Everyone can be the good guy. No one has to be forced into a certain set of beliefs. Corrupt government workers is not right, endless wars with nations that haven't attacked us is not right. A right to life doesn't translate into murdering others with different beliefs or important resources. Letting our leaders lie and cheat and steal isn't right, it is unAmerican. And it is our responsibility as citizens to make our leaders do what is right, to be the good guys we have been so often in the past (minus the genocide of the natives, slavery, etc).
Happy 4th of July!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
June 15th: the war on the system begins
In my last post, I mentioned weapons that could end life as we know it. Obvious things are nukes and biological weapons, but one that doesn't seem like a weapon is hanging over our heads today, the death of the cyber world. The internet gives people a voice that isn't censored by corporate/political interests. The Obama administration has been working on a "kill switch" for the internet, to "protect" us from cyber terrorism. But are we the ones who need protection?
A group known as Anonymous has declared war on the systems that oppress us. Hackers belonging to Anonymous are targeting governments, intent on releasing buried secrets, exposing unknown crimes that happen every day, and taking down the federal reserve system that uses debt to control us. They encourage people to buy precious metals instead of reying on fiat currency that has no real value and can be devalued at will.
I believe in the theory that the elite are planning a massive attack on the general population, another Great Depression, endless wars, and the plan for a one world government with the elite in control and the rest of the people starving peasants. Many people think their plan is to reduce the population by as much as 2/3rds, to give them a more managable population and to give them total control over limited resources such as oil. This last decade has been driving us towards that new world order.
On June the 15th, Anonymous annouced their plan to wage war on this system and to free the people. That night, hackers from LulzSec (another group of internet freedom fighters who have joined with Anonymous) shut down the CIA websites for several hours. Some people fear that this is actually a false flag operation done by the government to give them control over the internet.
Either way, we are on the edge of major change. The "free" press in America no longer reports real news, the focus on entertainment and silly scandals instead of the real threats. At times, I feel like we are living in a movie, unsure what the world will be like every morning I wake up. Could Anonymous shut down the Federal Reserve banking system? The IRS? They have shut down Mastercard, Visa, Paypal, and the Playstation network. They have declared war on banks. Imagine everyone waking up one morning to find their account wiped out. Do you have stacks of cash buried under your mattress? Gold and silver coins in your safe? Or is most of your money held in some digital realm and accessed by a magnetic strip on a plastic card? Could Anonymous shut down our way of life overnight? It seems like it. But they are not an enemy of the people. They are fighting for us against the system we let control us. They are asking us to do our duty too. Phase one of the plan calls for people like me to talk about the reality of the world, to point out the enemies we face, and to wake people up to the war that is happening.
Most people I know prefer to live in their little bubble, their daily lives, and I respect that. Ultimately, that is what I want. A freedom to live my peaceful life with friends and loved ones. But I am too aware of the dangerous world we live in, and the nightmares we face aren't distant. Anonymous encourages us to get back in touch with our neighbors, to grow our own food, to become less reliant on the system, a system that could disappear overnight. Anonymous is fighting corruption all over the world. They have declared war. It is time for people to do some research, thinking, and discussions to discover which side of the battle they want to be on.
Choose wisely, our future depends on it.
A group known as Anonymous has declared war on the systems that oppress us. Hackers belonging to Anonymous are targeting governments, intent on releasing buried secrets, exposing unknown crimes that happen every day, and taking down the federal reserve system that uses debt to control us. They encourage people to buy precious metals instead of reying on fiat currency that has no real value and can be devalued at will.
I believe in the theory that the elite are planning a massive attack on the general population, another Great Depression, endless wars, and the plan for a one world government with the elite in control and the rest of the people starving peasants. Many people think their plan is to reduce the population by as much as 2/3rds, to give them a more managable population and to give them total control over limited resources such as oil. This last decade has been driving us towards that new world order.
On June the 15th, Anonymous annouced their plan to wage war on this system and to free the people. That night, hackers from LulzSec (another group of internet freedom fighters who have joined with Anonymous) shut down the CIA websites for several hours. Some people fear that this is actually a false flag operation done by the government to give them control over the internet.
Either way, we are on the edge of major change. The "free" press in America no longer reports real news, the focus on entertainment and silly scandals instead of the real threats. At times, I feel like we are living in a movie, unsure what the world will be like every morning I wake up. Could Anonymous shut down the Federal Reserve banking system? The IRS? They have shut down Mastercard, Visa, Paypal, and the Playstation network. They have declared war on banks. Imagine everyone waking up one morning to find their account wiped out. Do you have stacks of cash buried under your mattress? Gold and silver coins in your safe? Or is most of your money held in some digital realm and accessed by a magnetic strip on a plastic card? Could Anonymous shut down our way of life overnight? It seems like it. But they are not an enemy of the people. They are fighting for us against the system we let control us. They are asking us to do our duty too. Phase one of the plan calls for people like me to talk about the reality of the world, to point out the enemies we face, and to wake people up to the war that is happening.
Most people I know prefer to live in their little bubble, their daily lives, and I respect that. Ultimately, that is what I want. A freedom to live my peaceful life with friends and loved ones. But I am too aware of the dangerous world we live in, and the nightmares we face aren't distant. Anonymous encourages us to get back in touch with our neighbors, to grow our own food, to become less reliant on the system, a system that could disappear overnight. Anonymous is fighting corruption all over the world. They have declared war. It is time for people to do some research, thinking, and discussions to discover which side of the battle they want to be on.
Choose wisely, our future depends on it.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Welcome to my blog! I am tired of our pop-culture society, our endless apathy and the corruption of world governments, including the United States. I will be discussing the problems we face and the solutions available to the people. We have allowed the creation of weapons powerful enough to end life as we know it. We tolerate corrupt politics, voting for what seems to be the lessor of two evils, knowing all politicians make false promises, telling voters what they want to hear, rarely following up on those promises. The news, the only industry protected in the first amendment, the freedom of press, is no longer free. Corporations and the mega rich control our news, spewing propaganda. They will never willingly change and will continue to become more corrupt the more power they gain.
Our country was founded on the idea that governments are corrupt and not to be blindly trusted. Thomas Jefferson told us to have a revolution every generation, so these powers do not become the establishment. We failed to honor our duty, a government "by the people." We allow people to have a career in politics, instead of real people taking time from their real life to run for office and fix the problems of their time.
A revolution is in the works, having officially started June 15th 2011. Our future is bleak, the enemy has amassed great power and many means of subtle propaganda. But it isn't hopeless. It isn't too late, but if we don't take action now, we will settle for nothing later. The enemy has been slowly dismantling our freedoms, but they don't have the total control they seek. As long as we have the internet, as long as we have people exercising their freedom of speech, we have hope, and united, we have the real power. It is time to use our power, to speak out against injustices, and to fight for our freedom.
Our country was founded on the idea that governments are corrupt and not to be blindly trusted. Thomas Jefferson told us to have a revolution every generation, so these powers do not become the establishment. We failed to honor our duty, a government "by the people." We allow people to have a career in politics, instead of real people taking time from their real life to run for office and fix the problems of their time.
A revolution is in the works, having officially started June 15th 2011. Our future is bleak, the enemy has amassed great power and many means of subtle propaganda. But it isn't hopeless. It isn't too late, but if we don't take action now, we will settle for nothing later. The enemy has been slowly dismantling our freedoms, but they don't have the total control they seek. As long as we have the internet, as long as we have people exercising their freedom of speech, we have hope, and united, we have the real power. It is time to use our power, to speak out against injustices, and to fight for our freedom.
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