Here is a list of things to learn about. If you already know about all of these things and see things I missed, let me know. If one or more of these things are unfamiliar or haven't been researched, take some time to read about them.
The Great Depression, how the banks, the elite, and Wall Street made it happen and why.
Corporate Income Tax and how it became "personal."
Woodrow Wilson, how he destroyed America and the warning he gave.
The Federal Reserve bank, which isn't federal at all but a private bank with no gov't oversight and private owners. And the World Bank.
Tuskegee experiments, to see what the gov't does to its own people.
The Manhatten Project, how many people can keep a massive project secret.
Nazi scientists in America after WW2, the weapons and propaganda tecniques they taught us.
Project MKUltra, America's mind control/brain washing program.
Freedom of Press and how it no longer is free but controlled by corporations and gov't agencies.
Television propaganda and censorship of the truth.
The Gold Standard, why our money is no longer based on something real, how inflation happens. Foreknowledge of Pearl Harbor.
UFOs in the late 1940s and early 1950s and how the CIA decided to deal with the problem, mocking witnesses, to the point that today people who see UFOs are seen as nutjobs.
Eisenhower's exit speech, how he warned us about the industrial military complex.
The assassination of JFK, the cover-up of the truth.
The Gulf of Tonkin.
The military shooting college students in America.
CIA running drugs in the 80s.
Assassination attempt of Reagan and the World Bank and how he suddenly stopped pursuing a return to the gold standard.
Presidents and Freemasons. Skull and Bones.
Big oil and how their money controls the world.
Peak Oil...have we crossed this point already?
Global Warming, scientific evidence vs. political rhetoric. Pollution is bad and fossil fuels running out, so a green energy solution is needed, even if you don't believe the science that shows pollution is causing climate change.
US Military strikes since 1950, how much money and how many countries we've bombed.
Money to support the war against Palestine, how much we give Isreal and why the Middle East hates our foreign policy.
Selling arms to our enemies, like the Taliban in the early 90s, then declaring them our enemy in the early 00s.
Chemtrails, a conspircay you can see in your own sky.
9/11 truth, how the official story can't be true and what this means for our future.
The endless war on terror and why we are creating enemies instead of making America safer.
The Pentagon budget, $500 billion or more every year, with little of this going to the military. We spend more on military than the rest of the world combined. How the Pentagon lost track of $2.3 trillion, yes TRILLION dollars, announced on 9/10/01.
I can go in depth on any of these topics, but I could use some feedback on what you guys want to hear about. Having spent the last few years researching how the world works, how conspiracies happen, how apathy and fear keep the masses in control, I am very afraid for the near future. We could be living in the age of miracles, yet the powers that are in control keep us at a savage level, limit our potential, and rob us of a better way of life. I can't tolerate doing nothing. I can't remain silent, ignorantly blissful. I refuse to be a slave, I refuse to believe I am powerless.